Skincare Consultation 

Skincare Consultation 

Skincare Consultation 

At Beauty Nurse Bre, we provide a customizable Skincare Consultation to discover a solution for each patient’s skin concerns. Why do our patients like our in-depth skincare consultations? The skin examination analyzes your concerns, letting our providers determine a personalized skincare plan tailored to you. We ensure to make product recommendations available only at physician’s offices, medical grade treatments, and more. We got you covered if you have skin flaws such as wrinkles or uneven skin tone. The treatments we provide promise to deliver a natural enhanced version of you. We’ll discuss your concerns at the consultation, examine your history, and analyze your skin. Your progress and improvements are our priority, and we ensure to have follow-ups and provide further solutions. Renew your skin’s complexion and reduce the skin imperfections that appear because of environmental toxins and other factors. Your customized treatment consists of a combination of medical-grade skincare and in-office treatments to reveal a luminous glow on the surface of your skin.

A Skincare Consultation is perfect for you if:
· Have a skin condition or concern
· Have a variety of products and aren’t sure what’s best to use
· Want a customized routine
· Interested in our products but aren’t certain where to start

The Treatment

The skin concerns our patients have include:

· Wrinkles 
· Rosacea 
· Enlarged pores 
· Dehydrated skin
· Dark spots 


· Melasma
· Skin laxity 


Cleanse your skin on the day of the consultation to remove oils and other substances that may clog the pores. We want to view the skincare products you use in your regimen. Our providers ensure to answer your questions and give you personalized solutions. 

No. A Skincare Consultation is a stand-alone service, and we’ll schedule your first treatment after we determine a customized solution tailored to your concerns.
The results vary for each patient and depend on the depth of your treatment plan. It can take longer to resolve if you have severe skin concerns such as cystic acne. The results appear quicker if you are dedicated to the solutions we make.
If you have wrinkles, rosacea, skin laxity, etc., affecting your confidence, then this Skincare Consultation provides you with holistic solutions.
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ALASTIN Skincare is dedicated to success, as a customer-focused innovator that has created a community of collaboration and partnership in order to bring the highest levels of pharmaceutical science to cosmeceutical skincare. ALASTIN Skincare is committed to exceeding provider and patient expectations for healthy radiant skin.
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HALO Laser

HALO Laser

HALO Laser

HALO Laser is an industry-leading skin renewal treatment that reveals a luminous glow. Our providers ensure to give each patient a customized solution based on their unique concerns. The procedure uses an advanced device that can be personalized for skin conditions such as sunspots, wrinkles, and lackluster skin. As the years go by, your skin may start to get vibrancy reduction resulting in a dull complexion. This procedure rejuvenates your skin and reverts the years of cumulative skin flaws that appear on your skin.

The advantages of this treatment include:

· Noninvasive treatment 
· Minimal downtime 
· Minimal to no side effects 
· Visible results within weeks 
· Long-lasting results 
· Customizable settings for optimal results 

The Treatment

HALO Laser is the first hybrid fractional skin resurfacing laser that uses advanced methods to enhance the skin's surface and dermis layers. The temperature settings and laser energy stimulate collagen production in the skin to reveal softer, brighter skin. The versatility of this device lets us improve the skin's tone, texture, and tightening with only one session. The hybrid fractional laser consists of several levels of ablation, including microns of ablation for microscopic epidermal necrotic debris release with minimal recovery and microns for epidermis wound healing. The dynamic thermal optimization monitors the skin temperatures throughout the treatment. The smart device can adjust its pulse width and beam density to ensure that the laser is tailored to your condition. HALO is exclusive compared to other lasers because it provides a dynamic treatment that treats the skin's surface layers, including the dermis layers, for optimal results. It uses a dual laser to penetrate each layer of the skin to improve your complexion.


HALO Laser treats the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, legs, and scarring. 

You’ll get initial results between three and five days after your treatment. Your skin will continue to improve gradually. 

The results last 5-7 years. 

Yes. The symptoms are minimal and include redness, swelling, and tenderness. 

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Broadband Light Laser 

Broadband Light Laser 

Broadband Light Laser 

Broadband Light Laser is a brilliant skincare treatment beneficial for all skin types. Give your skin a firm appearance and dissolve hyperpigmentation. The laser used in the procedure penetrates the inner layers of your skin and regenerates skin cells for a healthy, soft texture. Renew your skin’s surface with safe treatment. Broadband Light Laser uses a minimally invasive procedure that enhances and brightens your skin’s complexion. The beams in the treatment help your skin look youthful because they stimulate new skin cell production, giving it a radiant appearance.

Broadband Light Laser improves a variety of skin conditions, including:

· Rosacea
· Spider veins
· Acne
· Fine lines and wrinkles
· Even the skin tone and texture

The Treatment

Our providers massage a cooling gel on the treatment area. We use a topical anesthetic cream to minimize discomfort and make your treatment as soothing as a hydrating aloe vera facial mask. Even though the light beams that flash from the device are harmless, your safety is our priority, and we ensure that you have a safety shield on your eyes. The device is massaged on your skin and in a gentle motion. The light beams will start to warm your skin. Your skin absorbs the light beams, which helps improve the dermis's deepest layers. The root cause of all skin problems, such as hyperpigmentation or discoloration, is resolved. If you have a sensitive skin type, let your provider know, and we'll adjust the pace of your treatment. The procedure is 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area. The results? Reveal an enhanced complexion and walk out of our office with rejuvenated skin protected with an SPF moisturizer.


All areas of your body can be improved using a Broadband Light Laser. Most patients treat their face, chin, neck, and other areas. Your provider discusses your skin concerns and selects which areas need to be improved. 

The visibility of your results can take a few days or up to two weeks to show entirely on your skin. You’ll notice smoother, brighter skin on the same day of your treatment.
Usually, the results last 6-12 months.
Yes. You can get mild to moderate swelling, bruising, blistering, scabbing, and slightly altering your skin’s pigmentation. All side effects subside within a few days.
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As collagen reduces, the wrinkles on your skin become more prominent, especially if you often squint or perform similar expressions. Botox and Dysport are wrinkle muscle relaxers. They consist of ingredients to paralyze the muscles within the area. This reduces moderate to severe facial wrinkles. The solution we use has several strengths for maximum customization. We administer Botox and Dysport with an injection into the muscle. Botox and Dysport are FDA approved to treat lines between the brows (called the “11’s”), severe frown lines, and other skin conditions.

The advantages of this treatment include the following:

·  Diminish lines 
·  Reduce wrinkles
·  Remove frown and forehead lines 
·  Soften crow’s feet, forehead, and brows 
·  Minimize bunny lines on the nose  
·  Erases lines near the mouth and eyes 
·  Rejuvenates your neck 
·  Reduces excessive sweating 
·  Non-surgical treatment 
·  No recovery 

The Treatment

We’ll provide an initial consultation to examine your concerns and an optimal solution customized to your unique structure. Botox and Dysport treat lines and wrinkles on the dermis layers of the skin beneath the surface by preventing nerve signals and muscle contractions. This minimizes muscle activity, making frown lines, folds, and facial wrinkles. A customized dose and number of injections will give you a smooth, natural appearance.


The forehead, lines between the brows, crow’s feet, etc., are treatable. 

The results become visible within 14 days after treatment.
The results from Botox and Dysport are not permanent. Depending on the treated areas and the type of neuromodulator, the results last three to six months. We can administer follow-up treatments to preserve the results.
Yes. You can get bruising or swelling in the injected area. These symptoms subside within a few days.
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Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers consist of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance produced by the body. Hyaluronic acid is excellent at boosting moisture and restoring facial contours. Facial movements and free radicals commonly cause wrinkles and fine lines. A few filler injections will soften wrinkles and volumize several facial areas, such as the cheeks, lips, and temples. The solution goes beneath the skin’s surface to restore the volume resulting in a plump appearance.

The advantages of this treatment include the following:

·  Smooth wrinkles
·  Enhance volume on facial areas 
·  Plump the cheeks
·  Minimize folds on the skin  
·  Smooth frown lines 
·  Minimal downtime  

The Treatment

Unleash Your Most Youthful Skin

We'll ensure to give you natural results and perform an assessment at your initial consultation to determine a personalized treatment tailored to you. During your initial consultation, we'll answer your questions and choose the optimal filler type for your concerns. The treated area will be sanitized and cleansed. We may provide you with a topical anesthetic to numb the area before the injection. We'll inject a customized filler dosage beneath the skin and massage it to ensure it's evenly distributed. The sensations you may get include mild pinching. You may need several treatments for optimal hydration, plumpness, and wrinkle reduction.


Hyaluronic fillers have a soft and gel-like texture which keeps the skin plump and hydrated. You’ll get temporary results only lasting six to twelve months. The treated area will gradually absorb the particles.
You’ll see the results immediately after the procedure.
The longevity of the results depends on the filler type injected and the area of treatment. On average, the results last six to twelve months.
Yes. Symptoms such as swelling and mild bruising may occur for one week after treatment.
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Dermaplaning is a mechanical exfoliation that removes the topmost layer of the skin, revealing a soft, smooth surface where products penetrate more effectively. Combine with a BBL treatment for maximum glow! This FDA-approved treatment is a practical procedure that uses a safe scalpel to lift dull cells and peach fuzz gently—the profound exfoliation results in a smooth, renewed complexion.

The pros of this treatment include the following:

·  Enhances skin texture
·  Diminishes vellus hair and dull skin cells
·  Improves topical product absorption
·  Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
·  Reduces and prevents acne
·  Treats hyperpigmentation
·  Safe for all skin types

The Treatment

At Beauty Nurse Bre, we’re constantly advancing our dermaplaning techniques. A scalpel is used on the targeted area during the treatment to gently exfoliate dull cells and peach fuzz. The treatment takes 15-30 minutes and results in soft skin. Before beginning the procedure, we'll cleanse and dry your skin. You'll sit and relax as we dermaplane the surface of your skin to facilitate cell renewal. You'll notice the improvements as you seamlessly put on makeup and get more profound absorption from serums. Once your skin is wholly treated, we'll coat the treated area with a nourishing moisturizer to seal the hydration.


Dermaplaning treats the face, beneath the chin, and sides of the neck. It improves wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars.
The skin improvements you get from the procedure can last three weeks. We recommend follow-up procedures to preserve the results.
Your skin will appear softer on the same day of treatment. It takes five to seven days to see full results. It may vary for each patient.
Yes. You may get blemishes, redness, discoloration, and mild irritation. These symptoms subside within a few hours.
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